Live A Life That Invites Others To Embrace Jesus
Sunday Message | Tyler Everett

The Vision
Where we gather, grace grows. This truth is why we are so passionate about community. We believe that no measurable growth happens in isolation, and the wildest glimpses of God are discovered when we’re with each other. Only in community can we experience authentic connection, embrace our imperfections, and enjoy each other’s contributions. We look forward to growing with you.
- Tyler & Lauryn Everett

Every Thursday
Young adults across North Dallas are uniting to deepen their faith and tap into the extraordinary power of God. From students boldly sharing their beliefs to witnessing miracles and inspiring testimonies, the journey of encountering God has never been more powerful.
Thursday as we embark on a transformative discipleship journey tailored for individuals aged 18-30. Regardless of where you currently stand on your spiritual path, we want to invite you to join our community and discover all that God has for your life.

January 13
At The Gathering, we want more for the next generation. Parents, we want to partner with you to help your students become the men or women God is calling them to be. We want to stay connected and the best way for us to do that is by keeping you informed about exactly what is happening at Youth.
We know students aren’t the best at communication, so we like to pick up the slack by sending out emails and keeping our parents informed of exactly what is happening at Youth. Click below, sign up, and stay informed!
Be A Part Of It
The vision cannot happen without an incredible team in place and God is strategically putting that team together. Whether you live in the area or know someone who does, we’d love an opportunity to connect with you!